We have been so busy! I have never seen it this busy.
Thanks to Serch, our bottom line in 2015 was higher than any other year.
I am pleased to say that we show up on page one with all relevant key word searches.
Since working with Serch Marketing, we have seen a steady increase of new patients and have seen results from pretty much day one
Serch has allowed me to be leaps and bounds ahead of my competitors
Gain more internet traffic
with our results driven
approach to Search
Engine Optimization (SEO)
Of companies that optimized for mobile had increased sales
Of search users never scroll past the first page
of teens
of adults
Use voice search on a daily basis
More leads for companies that blog than those who don't
Of all internet use is from mobile devices
Generate a complementary
business listing report,
Take control of your online presence
with our preferred Online Reputation
Management (ORM) Services
Target your customers by leveraging
the power of digital marketing with our
custom tailored advertising campaigns
Online marketing has become the most effective media for reaching customers.
There is no price you can put on having your professional image and credibility managed properly.
We have seen a 20% increase in tax clients due to our increased internet presence and website traffic.
I have gained more customers since using Serch’s services. More people are finding us online.
Thanks to Serch’s Digital Marketing Package, we are seeing more patients from the internet than ever before!